Tuesday, June 2

30 Things you might not know about me...

1. I love Vitamin Water- Citrus flavor the best...and no hfcs!
2. No one makes me laugh harder or feel better about myself than Jeremy
3. I hate long fingernails
4. Growing up, my friend and I would squish blackberries with our hands and make jam. Then we'd try to sell it around the neighborhood. No one ever bought any. Smart neighbors!
4. If I have a girl, I want to name her Adelyn, but call her Addie for short
5. I still color with crayons on coloring books in church on Sundays [Good thing I have kids to disguise it]
6. It takes me longer to choose an outfit to wear than it does to put makeup on and style my hair
7. I love to clean and organize
8. I could sew all day long
9. Flipping on trampolines makes me feel like a little kid again
10. I sold my first painting for $600 ...actually the only painting I've sold :) so far!
11. When I was little, I watched an episode of Full House where Kimmy Gibbler tried to glue her eyes open so she could stay up all night. I thought it seemed like a good idea so I tried it.
12. I hate cats
13. When a dog licks me, I get extremely grossed out
14. I still have dreams I can fly around
15. As archaic as it was, I miss the house I grew up in
16. Babe is in my top 5 favorite movies
17. I pray for my Dad often
18. I love to camp, fish, and shoot
19. When I was 16, a friend let me park her car. My flip flop got stuck on the gas pedal and I almost drove through her house
20. My hair used to be naturally pin straight- each kid I have it gets wavier and wavier
21. No juice is more delicious to me than orange juice
22. I sometimes have attitude
23. I make up a song in my head almost everyday, but never write it down
24. My horoscope says I am a Pisces, but I know I am Aquarius. This is why I don't believe in horoscopes.
25. I learned how to do a running back handspring last year - I'll probably never do one again
26. My bed is the comfiest place on earth...especially when Jeremy is in it
27. I love to write
28. I could eat Panda Express everyday
29. I hate fast food (Panda Express is not on this list)
30. I'm convinced if I didn't work a full time job, I could sell paintings, teach dance, write and make music, while being a housewifey, raising my kids, cleaning and organizing, bake homemade hot rolls, and still have plenty of time for sewing and scrapbooking...all in a days work :)


  1. I totally agree with the last one! I am convinced I could do A LOT of stuff in a day! I just dream of the day my time working will end! I want to do so many things, and instead, I sit at work and read blogs :-P

    Love you!

    By the way, your camping trip looked SO fun!

  2. I loved this Delight! I found out so much about you that I didn't know! You sold a painting for $600?!? Way to go! You are one hot momma!
