Wednesday, October 7

Winds of Change

Why is it that you go from living your same routine from day to day in a content fashion, then suddenly when change strikes, it ignites!? or seems that way, at least. It seems there is so much going on right now I can barely wrap my head around it, but I guess it's just a couple significant changes that crowd all the other stuff. All are good changes we're excited about, but I just feel overwhelmed since I'm at the end of my pregnancy and am limited to what I can help with...which anyone who knows me, knows that it's very hard for me to NOT get things done. I just can't let myself relax or I feel like time is being completely wasted. am I weird?
Here's the recent scoop:
*We found a place that is bigger and cheaper than what we're paying now, so we're suddenly moving in 2 days (not one thing is packed)
*We found the puppy of our dreams and brought him home. (Actually Jeremy's dreams since he refuses to have a dog unless it's an Australian Shepherd, but for me, any puppy is adorable...until it craps on the carpet. Good thing she's potty trained already at just 7 weeks old!)
*5 more weeks and the baby will be here!!
*I'm getting new aches and pains in my back I haven't gotten before...and heartburn is getting worse...and Jeremy has to rub my feet every night or else they'll fall off...and I have insomnia at night and drag through the day...oh! and there is no comfortable position in the slightest way...But I guess I can't expect anything less when I'm 35 weeks along. Thank goodness for Jeremy's foot rubs or I'd be a goner!
*Jeremy has finals coming up, then starts his Bachelors program! Hooray :)
*My sister-in-law is getting married the week before I'm due which is insane!
*Now that we're about to have another baby boy, Brayden & Brax are growing up WAY too fast :( They both look older. Brax just had a growth spurt over night and now all his clothes are too small.
*The holidays are just around the corner!...which means there will be more room for a xmas tree in our new place :) This Xmas should be exciting with 3 kids and a dog. Can't believe our family of 4 is going to 6!
*Not sure what else the winter winds are going to bring in, but hopefully things will settle for a little while so we can get used to all these changes.


  1. Wow! Sounds like a lot of change coming to the Skinner family. So you decided on Bryce, how sweet. That's Jeremy's first name isn't it? Hey congrats to him about starting his Bachelor's soon, that's awesome!
    I'm glad to hear that you're mostly happy about these changes.

    Take care!

  2. That is SO fun Delight! Sounds stressful for sure, but exciting none the less :)

    Hope all is well and that you got moved in ok! Love to you and the family :)
